воскресенье, 11 декабря 2016 г.

Russian Personal Pronouns in the Nominative Case

Russian Personal Pronouns in the Nominative Case

Dear readers,
This post is for you if you have just started learning Russian and you have already mastered the pronunciation basics but you don’t know what to do next. To know what pronunciation basics are and why they are so important, please, visit the post «Three things you must know about Russianpronunciation before learning anything else».

Why is it important to know Personal pronouns? Do you know that there are two pronouns for the English you in Russian? What is the difference between them?

 Here in the post I will only write all the Nominative pronouns with the stresses for you to see how they are spelled. There are actually 8 of them and they are:

я, ты, он, онá, онó, мы, вы, они́

For more information on this subject, please, visit Say It in Russian podcast on Soundcloud and listen to the relevant record.

In the next posts I will be telling you how to say I love you in Russian. Yes, we will be talking about love. And to make up the words of love and become true Russian lovers we will need to learn the pronouns in the Accusative case. And a bit later I am going to give you some tips on whether to use ты or Вы when talking to people in different situations.

And here are a couple of useful links to the useful videos on how to pronounce the Russian sound ы:
There are many more videos. Just enter ‘pronounce Russian ы’ in Goggle search and here you go!

Now thank you reading this post!

If you have any questions you have been too shy to ask your teacher or the native speakers, feel free to ask me. I promise I will answer all your questions, as I would like more and more people to fall in love with Russian language and culture.

Thank you for being with me! Have a great day and CU soon!

Спаси́бо за тó, что Вы со мнóй! До скóрой встре́чи!

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