воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

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Decorating a New Year Tree. A Popular Russian Fashion Show
Как укра́сить нового́днюю ёлку. Популя́рное росси́йское шо́у о мо́де

Dear friends,
Today is the 27th of November which means that the countdown of how many days are left till Christmas has started all over the world. Everywhere you can see Christmas trees being installed, shop windows displays being revealed, streets being decorated with lights and sculptures.

And I see my facebook friends uploading photos of the beautifully decorated Christmas trees in their homes. Such wonderful things to see. And what about you? Have you already trimmed your Christmas tree or are you still thinking about how to do it?
In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus decorating a Christmas tree or a New Year tree, as we would more likely call it here, is as important as in the Western World.

As I would really like you, my dear readers and subscribers, to get into the spirit of Christmas and New Year as soon and as much as possible, I am about to dedicate some of my posts to this fabulous season.

Today's post is going to be really short. I would just like to share with you an episode from a really famous Russian show called Мо́дный пригово́р or a Fashion Verdict. The episode is devoted to trimming a Christmas tree and choosing all kinds of ornaments.

I really love the TV show for its friendly and positive atmosphere, sensible fashion tips and brilliant polished language the hosts speak. For this particular episode you need Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate Russian but even if it is Elementary, you could still enjoy the visual side and pick up some simple phrases the hosts are exchanging, choosing the ornaments in the shop and discussing whose New Year tree is better later in the studio.

So, please, meet the hosts starring in the episode:

Alexander Valilyev, fashion historian. He always provides some interesting information from the history of fashion. Do you know what the first Christmas tree ornaments were? Alexander says, these were apples. This fact inspired him to pick up so many fruits for decorating his нового́дняя ёлка :-)

Nadezhda Babkina, folk, folk-rock and ethno-pop singer. With her vivacious character and radiant charisma she is the one who defends the person accused in neglecting his / her looks. Indeed, she has so much faith in people and their ability to make a change for better. This is truly incredible!

EvelinKhromchenko, fashion expert / editor-in-chief of L'officiel and Russian Miranda Priestly (she was actually synchronizing Miranda's voice for the Russian viewers). She shares with us her expert's opinion and comments on style and fashion. She tends to be strict and precise in her statements, yet her words are so encouraging for many women (and sometimes men) to change not only their looks but also their lives.

Here are Evelina's inspirational comments on New Years trees:

Ёлка как сва́дебное пла́тье – когда́ ка́ждая неве́ста демонстри́рует своё вну́треннее я. Ёлка мо́жет быть соверше́нно любо́й  одното́нной, разноцве́тной, стари́нной и́ли совреме́нной, темати́ческой или истори́ческой.

A New Year Tree is like a wedding dress – when every bride demonstrates her inner self. New Year trees can be absolutely different – sole-coloured, multi-coloured, vintage or modern, theme-based or historical.

And here is the link to the video: Как украсить новогоднюю елку

Thank you for reading this post! Enjoy the TV show and get inspired for trimming the most beautiful Christmas tree in the world at home!

Greetings from Russia for now and Season's Greeting coming very soon :-)

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