вторник, 13 декабря 2016 г.

How to Say I love you in Russian. Personal Pronouns in Accusative case

How to Say I love you in Russian. Personal Pronouns in Accusative case

My dear readers,
This is the companion post for the new release of Как это будет по-русски or Say It in Russian podcast which you can listen to on SoundCloud. The link to it is right here.

An old wise man was asked by his young pupil. Master Shifu, is it true that sex without love is a sin? And wise man answered: Why is everybody so obsessed with sex? Everything without love is a sin. So let's add a bit of love into our learning process:-)

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Я тебя люблю' or 'Я люблю тебя' or simply 'Люблю тебя'. All these phrases mean the same and this is I love you.

From my previous podcast you already know that Я is I. Now what is люблю? Люблю means 'love', it the first person singular. There is also тебя which must be you, but you can hear that there is no ты in the phrase. There is another form of ты. To be more specific тебя is the Accusative case of ты.

Altogether there seem to be six cases in Russian or maybe more. But let's talk about that later.

So when we learned я, ты, он, она and so on we actually learned the Nominative case of these pronouns. And now we are going to learn their Accusative forms. To do so we need to come back to our words of love. And we are going to make our love story a bit of a drama.

Imagine the young Russian lover saying to his woman: 'Я люблю тебя'. And then asking. 'A ты меня любишь?' What did he ask?
He asked: And do you love me? Любишь is another form of the verb to love, same as люблю. And меня means me.
Let's make it happy end. 'И я тебя люблю', the lady answered. I love you too was the answer.


Below there are the phrases which were used in the podcast with their translations.
Я тебя́ люблю́. Я люблю́ тебя́. Люблю́ тебя́. - I love you.
А ты лю́бишь меня́? Ты меня́ лю́бишь? - And do you love me? Do you love me?
И я тебя́ люблю́. - I love you, too.
Oн её лю́бит? - Does he love her?
Да, он лю́бит её . - Yes, he loves her.
А онá егó лю́бит? - And does she love him?
Да, онá тоже лю́бит егó. - Yes, She also loves him.
Я вас óчень люблю́. - I love you very much.
Они́ óчень лю́бят нас. - They love us a lot. 
Э́ти стихи́. Я так люблю́ их. - Those poems / lyrics. I love them so.
Э́то морóженое. Онó такóе вкýсное. Я так люблю́ егó. - This ice-cream. It is so delicious. I love it so much.

Personal Pronouns. Nominative – Accusative 

я – меня́
ты – тебя́
он – егó (pronounced as евó )
онá - её
онó – егó (pronounced as евó )
мы – нас
вы – вас, Вы - Вас
они́ – их

Имени́тельный падéж - Nominative case
Вини́тельный падéж - Accusative case

Thank you so much for reading this post!

 In the next podcasts we are going to learn how to say 'I have got' and 'you have got' in Russian for which we will need Personal pronouns Genitive which will be homonymic to their Accusative forms. Next we will learn how to make Russian tell their secrets with the pronouns in the Dative case.

Have a great week ahead! Всег
ó хорóшего! До скóрой встрéчи!

Did you like this post? Have you still got any questions? What aspect of Russian language do you find particularly difficult? What do you find easy? I am really looking forward to your feedback and I will answer all your questions just in no time.
Wishing you a life full of love,

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